Q: How can I check the status of my order?
A: To view the status of your order, go to your Account page, where all your current orders will be listed. If your order is "awaiting fulfillment," it is currently in production.
Q: What are your shipping costs?
A: You can view an estimate of shipping costs by checking your cart, but final shipping costs will be displayed on the Invoice before confirming your order. For bulk and larger apparatus orders, shipping rates are calculated at the time of order completion. Contact us for more information.
Q: How long does it take to receive my order?
A: Smaller orders like accessories and small parts can be shipped within 8-10 weeks, while larger apparatus orders may take 16 to 32 weeks. There may be delays that extend lead times.
Q: Do you offer any discounts?
A: Yes, we occasionally offer discounts, typically based on the size of the order, the items ordered, the time of year the order is placed, and other prevailing factors.
Q: Why are the lead times for my order being pushed back?
A: Our lead times and estimates are provided to you at the time of your order. If delays occur, your order production schedule will need to be pushed back. We do our best to communicate and provide as much information as possible for your order.
Q: What causes these delays?
A: Our equipment is custom-made and handcrafted, and supply chain strain and material delays have contributed to many delays since spring of 2020. Shipping and freight delays can also occur at any given moment.
Q: When can I expect to receive my order?
A: Once your order is completed by our shop, the shipment process is very fast on our end. You will receive an email or notification regarding tracking for your order.